Torn Ticket II

Tufts’ Only Student-Run Musical Theatre Group

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Heathers, 2019

LITTLE WOMEN The Broadway Musical, 2023

Who Are We?

Torn Ticket II is Tufts University’s only student run musical theatre group! Every show we produce is student-directed, student-produced, student-performed, with a student Production Staff. 

Get Involved

From directing, to auditioning, to run crew, to lighting design, to costumes, to producing, we have something for everyone. Reach out to us and find your place in our community!

Get Started

Learn About Our Past

Torn Ticket II has been producing shows for a LONG time. In case you were wondering about our current season, 50 years ago, or anywhere in between, check out our Archives!

PIPPIN, 2024

Get to Know Us!

Whether you want to get involved, or just want to know where to get tickets to see a show, reach out to us and we’ll do everything we can to help you out!

Reach Out!