
Last Revised: September 2023

Into the Woods, 2022

Torn Ticket II Constitution

(Last revised: September, 2023)

Article I: Name

Henceforth, the name of this organization will be Torn Ticket II, created through the merger of Top Hat and Tails and Torn Ticket in May 1982.


Article II: Statement of Purpose

  1. To produce student-driven musical theatre at Tufts University, emphasizing creativity, inclusivity, and integrity over a pristine product. 
  2. To create a welcoming space for Tufts students of all identities, backgrounds and theatrical experience.
  3. To promote an inclusive, anti-racist and anti-discriminatory environment that is open to discourse and collaboration from all perspectives.
  4. To produce a minimum of five (5) shows per year, including (2) Mainstage productions, (1) Fall 24-Hour Musical, (1) Spring Workshop production, and (1) Orientation Week Production. 
  5. To maintain positive relations with all student organizations on campus as well as the Department of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies (TDPS) and the Office of Campus Life.


Article III: Non-Discrimination Clause

Torn Ticket II abides by the TCU non-discrimination policy, which is as follows:

All members of the TCU shall be entitled to participate in any TCU-recognized organization without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, national or ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, disability, or an individual’s previous affiliations in criteria for membership, assignment of voting privileges, or rank, except as otherwise provided by federal or state law or university policy.

  1. The only circumstances which necessitate one or more exceptions to Tufts’ nondiscrimination policy are if Student Religious Groups choose to abide by religious doctrine which specifically requires any further leadership criteria–such as ones that might be based on gender, sexual orientation or other categories–they must be explicitly stated, justified, and reviewed by the University Chaplaincy if used in Student Religious Group constitutions and applications for recognition (and re-recognition) by the TCU Judiciary.


Article IV: Membership

Section 1. General Membership

Any Tufts student, graduate or undergraduate, who has participated in any capacity in a Torn Ticket II production or has attended a general meeting is considered a general member of the organization. These members are encouraged to attend meetings and to participate in present and future productions. 

Section 2: Voting Membership

  1. Any general member of Torn Ticket is considered a voting member. 
  2. All voting members may vote on Mainstage proposals, Workshop proposals, orientation show proposals, board elections, constitution changes, and removal of a board member.
  3. Voting Requirements
    1. The student has participated in the theater community production in any capacity (actor, designer, crew, usher, etc.). Eligible organizations include: 3Ps, Torn Ticket II, Envision, and TDPS.
    2. The student has attended a TTII meeting including bi-weekly membership meetings, DEI meetings, workshops, and events.
    3. The student is in their first semester at Tufts University.


Article V: Voting Procedures

Section 1. Voting Procedure for Production Proposals

  1. All votes will be passed by a simple majority, which is defined as 50% plus one of the voting members present, not including abstentions. All voting will be completed by ballot.
  2. In order for a vote to occur, there must be at least ten (10) general members present at the voting and/or proposal meeting. 
  3. Each Executive Board member should be present for a vote on any production. Executive Board members that are not present may submit their vote via electronic means to the Secretary or Media Archivist during the time of the meeting.  
  4. Ballots for any production voting will list the shows being proposed, the option to vote for none of the shows, and the option to abstain from voting altogether.
  5. If there are two or more proposals, and neither show nor the option “no to all shows” receives a simple majority on the first vote, then a second vote must be held. This second vote will include the two options, either two shows or one show and the “no to all” option, that received the highest number of votes on the ballot.
  6. If voting results in a tie, further discussion may be necessary. Another vote will then be cast. If this vote is a tie, then the Executive Board will make the final decision with no abstentions allowed.
  7. If the option “no to all shows” receives a simple majority, or if there are no qualified directors to propose a Mainstage Show, then the Executive Board will ensure that a workshop-style show is produced. The Operations Coordinator  of Torn Ticket II will talk with the Production Manager of the Department of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies to negotiate design elements.


Section 2. Voting Procedure for Orientation Week Shows

  1. All votes will be passed by a simple majority, which is defined as 50% plus one of the voting members present, not including abstentions. All voting will be completed by ballot.
  2. Orientation show voting may only occur if a minimum of 10 general members are present at the voting meeting. 
  3. Each Executive Board member should be present for a vote on any Orientation Week production. Executive Board members that are not present may submit their vote via electronic means to the Secretary or Media Archivist during the time of the meeting.  
  4. Ballots for Orientation Week productions voting will list the shows being proposed, the option to vote for none of the shows, and the option to abstain from voting altogether.
  5. If the first vote is a tie, further discussion may be necessary. A second vote will then be cast. If the second vote is a tie, then the Executive Board will cast the final decision with no abstentions allowed.
  6. If there are more than two proposals and no one proposal receives a simple majority, the membership will re-vote on a ballot with the same format as above listing the two proposals that received the most “yes” votes.
  7. If the option “no to all shows” receives a simple majority, or if there are no qualified directors to propose a show, then the Executive Board will ensure that a workshop-style show is produced. The Operations Coordinator  of Torn Ticket II will talk with the Production Manager of the Department of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies to negotiate design elements.


Article VI: Production Proposal Procedures

Section 1. Mainstage, Workshop, and Orientation Week Show Proposal Requirements

  1. A show proposal must include at least a director, musical director, production manager, and stage manager. Designers, technicians and other r-staff roles are recommended but not required 
    1. If a proposal team needs assistance to fill one of these roles, they must reach out to the board at least a week before the form is due. The board is not responsible for signing on members of the production team, but will offer assistance in finding individuals.
    2. If a director, music director, stage manager, and production manager is not found by the time of proposals, the proposal may not move forward. Proposals will either be postponed or canceled at the discretion of the board.
    3. If a Design Technician is not found by the time of proposals, then the responsibilities of this position fall to the appropriate designer until a Designer Technician is found. 
  2. An Orientation Week production should be a one act or two-act musical, preferably with a small cast and simple technical requirements.
  3. Before the time of proposals, proposal teams are required to meet with the board to review their proposal and answer board questions.
  4. By the date determined by the board, the proposal team must submit the relevant form with information about their show and production team.
  5. A show is ineligible for production by Torn Ticket II if it has been produced within the last five (5) years and performance rights were purchased.
  6. Any deviation from the above requirements may be approved by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board.
  7. The proposal process will proceed as follows:
    1. Copies of the written proposal must be handed out to the membership/projected during the proposal meeting.
    2. At the first meeting, each proposal will have five (5) minutes to make a presentation to the membership.
    3. Following all presentations, there will be five (5) minutes per proposal for questions. Any general member may ask questions.
    4. Following all proposal presentations, those in attendance will have the opportunity to ask questions about the proposal. Members can submit questions through a form that will be distributed to all in attendance. Members will be kept anonymous unless they choose to disclose their name. Questions will be asked to the proposal team by a member of the board. All directors and members of the production staff will remain in the room for questions and discussion. 
    5. After the allotted time for questions, a vote will occur. Please refer to Article IV, Section 1 for voting procedures.
  8. If the rights of the selected show are not acquired, there will be another round of proposals to select a new show.


Section 2. 24 Hour Musical Workshop Proposals

  1. Each Fall semester, the Workshop show will be a 24 Hour Musical. That is, the entire rehearsal and design process transpires over the 24 hours immediately before the performance. Interested designers and auditioners agree to work on the show without knowledge of what the musical is.
  2. A proposal must include a director, musical director, stage manager, and production manager.
    1. The production manager must have been involved in the previous year’s 24 Hour musical in some capacity (i.e. actor, p-staff, r-staff)
  3. Before the time of proposals, interested directors are encouraged to approach the board with a thorough understanding of their show’s rights agreement. 
  4. A proposal must contain a written statement, including, but not limited to, a basic explanation of the show and the qualifications of the production staff. A show is ineligible for production by Torn Ticket II if it has been produced within the last five (5) years and performance rights were purchased.
  5. Any deviation from the above requirements may be approved by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board.
  6. After proposals have been submitted, each interested team will meet with the Executive Board for an in-person interview to discuss their idea and the needs of the performance slot.
  7. The 24 Hour Musical and the accompanying team will be selected with a unanimous vote from the Executive Board.
    1. Once a title and team have been selected, this information will only be shared with the selected team and current and future Executive Board members.
    2. All community members not involved with the 24 Hour Musical will find out which show is selected at the start of the performance.


Section 4. Special Events

  1. A special event is a workshop or fully designed performance produced in conjunction with Torn Ticket II that requires Torn Ticket II oversight or monetary commitment. Special Events must be voted on by the general membership at a meeting designated by the Executive Board. For voting procedures, refer to Article V, Section 1.


Article VII: The Executive Board


Section 1. Eligibility and Executive Board Duties

  1. Executive Board Officers must be Tufts University undergraduates and must be able to serve from June to June concurrent with the normal academic year.
    1. If one of the candidates for an executive board position will be going abroad one of the semesters of the year, they may run with a co-candidate who will take over in their absence. They must have the co-candidate before the time of elections. If one of the candidates is not elected, neither may be elected onto the board.
    2. Two candidates may choose to run together and jointly fill a board position for the full year if elected.
  2. The Executive Board has the responsibility to make executive decisions in the event of an emergency. Five (5) of the six (6) Executive Board Positions must be present to make any such decision.
  3. Duties of the President
    1. To maintain contact with all Executive Board Officers.
    2. To be responsible for all actions of Torn Ticket II as an organization.
    3. To coordinate all actions of Torn Ticket II and to preside over all meetings.
    4. To act as a liaison between the general membership, the administration, and faculty of Tufts University.
    5. To call emergency meetings when necessary.
    6. To oversee the Treasurer in financial planning for Torn Ticket II.
    7. To stay in close communication with the Treasurer before, during and after each production.
    8. To schedule weekly meetings of the Executive Board.
  4. Duties of the Vice President/Outreach Director
    1. To maintain contact with all Executive Board Officers, especially the President, and to assist the President as needed.
    2. To act as president in the President’s absence.
    3. To promote a sense of community within the membership. Organizing social events and activities that foster a sense of inclusion in the organization.
    4. To be responsible for Torn Ticket II outreach to the greater Tufts community. To lead advertising ventures on all Torn Ticket II auditions and opportunities. To additionally coordinate digital advertising and alumni outreach with the Media Archivist through Torn Ticket II social media.
    5. To act as liaison between Torn Ticket II and other student organizations.
  5. Duties of the Operations Coordinator 
    1. To maintain contact with all Executive Board Officers.
    2. To keep the costume storage and shop clean and organized.
    3. To keep inventory of costumes, tools, set pieces and props before, during and after each production.
    4. To coordinate the use of all technical materials for any and all Torn Ticket II purposes.
    5. To be ultimately responsible for the upkeep and the purchase of new equipment.
    6. To update and maintain the production staff handbook
    7. To find a complete production staff for a production, with aid from the Director and the rest of the Board when necessary. Directors are encouraged to seek out production staff members on their own if they wish; however, they must first notify the Operations Coordinator  before officially extending them a position.
    8. To handle all club scheduling of space reservations
  6. Duties of the Treasurer
    1. To maintain contact with all Executive Board Officers.
    2. To keep a detailed and accurate account of all Torn Ticket II transactions.
    3. To be ultimately responsible for all loans, appropriations and official budgets.
    4. To maintain contact with the Student Activities Budget Coordinator, the Senate Treasurer and the Council V Chairperson of the TCU Senate, and to understand the procedures of the Senate Treasury.
    5. To help the Media Archivist keep records of past budgets.
    6. To give a financial report concerning the organization in conjunction with the final report of the producer on any production.
    7. To advise and assist the producer of each show on budget-related responsibilities.
    8. To be the second TCU signatory on purchases. 
  7. Duties of the Secretary
    1. To maintain contact with all Executive Board Officers.
    2. To maintain all Torn Ticket II attendance and voting eligibility records.
    3. To record all minutes of all general meetings and distribute them to the membership.
    4. To provide reminders of meetings when voting will occur to all general members.
    5. To make a copy of this constitution available to all general members.
    6. To send out periodic emails to the alumni to keep them informed as to what the organization is producing this semester. 
    7. To maintain a thorough knowledge and understanding of the constitution. To ensure that the constitution is being respected and upheld in all endeavors.
  8. Duties of the Media Archivist
    1. To maintain contact with all Executive Board Officers. 
    2. To acquire, save and organize programs, budgets, newspaper articles, posters, photographs, any available scripts and/or scores, and any other artifacts or memorabilia for each production.
    3. Create programs for all Torn Ticket II productions.
    4. To maintain the Torn Ticket II web page and all relevant social media.
    5. To act as the curator and librarian of the Torn Ticket II archives and library, including records of each year’s budget.
    6. To act as the agent through which all members of the Tufts community may borrow library and archive files.
    7. To actively acquire and keep records of all Torn Ticket II alumni information and, along with the Vice President/Outreach Director, maintain contact with them using any medium, at least once a semester.
    8. To be responsible for all organizational publicity, including finding photographers and poster designers
    9. To be responsible for updating sources of advertisement in order to aid in the publicity of future productions and of the organization.
    10. To update the Torn Ticket II website with the constitution as soon as it is redone.


Section 2: Executive Board Voting Procedure

  1. Elections will be held in the latter half of the spring semester.
  2. In the event that a seat is vacated during the term, an election will be held at the following scheduled meeting.
  3. Positions will be elected in the following order: President, Vice President/Outreach Director, Operations Coordinator, Treasurer, Secretary, Media Archivist. Each position will be filled according to the following procedure:
    1. All positions must be nominated. Self-nomination is acceptable.
    2. All nominations must be seconded.
    3. Nominations must be accepted or declined in person or in writing. If accepted, all candidates will have an opportunity to present themselves to the organization after all nominations have ended. Nominees not present may submit a presentation.
    4. Members will then have the opportunity to question the candidates.
    5. If more than two candidates are nominated for a position, and no candidate receives a simple majority of votes, a second vote will occur between the two candidates that received the most votes, according to standard voting procedures.
  4. To remove an officer from their position, the procedure below must be followed to determine legitimate reason.
    1. The Board must present a written list of reasons for removal to the voting membership at a general meeting.
    2. After reading the proposal, a simple majority vote will be taken to decide whether there is a legitimate reason for an impeachment proceeding.
  5. The impeachment proceeding must take place within the next two meetings as described below.
    1. 10 general members must be present.
    2. The Board will present arguments for and against removal to the voting membership at a general meeting.
    3. Following the arguments, a vote will occur. A two-thirds (2/3) majority is needed to remove any Executive Board Officer.
  6. In the event that a Board Member vacates their position during the year either through impeachment or resignation, the process to fill that position is described below.
    1. The Executive Board will fill the position within two weeks either by hand selecting a replacement or holding another round of elections. The President (or VP if the Presidential position is vacated) assumes the responsibilities of the vacated position until a replacement is named.
    2. If the position is vacated during the fall semester, another round of special elections should be held for the vacated position at the beginning of the spring semester.


Article VIII: Finances

Section 1. Torn Ticket II Organizational Budget

  1. Torn Ticket II is a TCU Senate-Funded organization. Each spring, a budget will be submitted to the Allocations Board (ALBO).
  2. The budget will be drafted by the Treasurer and will be approved by a vote of the Executive Board before submission to ALBO.
  3. The budget will include an organizational budget for the year and funding for:
    1. The rights, rentals, technical costs and advertising for Mainstage productions;
    2. Workshop/experimental productions;
    3. Stock upkeep;
    4. General interest meeting food and advertising.


Section 2. Workshop Show/Orientation Production Budgets

  1. The Executive Board will maintain final approval as to the specific amount of funding that will be allocated.
  2. The budget for the Orientation production will be provided by the Orientation Committee.


Section 3. Payment of Cast or Crew of a Show

  1. No money will be paid to performers or staff except by special arrangement with the voting membership following consultation with the Student Activities Budget Coordinator and the TCU Treasurer.


Section 4. Reimbursement of Personal Funds

  1. In order to be reimbursed for money spent on a production, itemized receipts should be given to the Producer of each show.
  2. The Producer will make copies of all receipts for their own records and submit the originals to the Torn Ticket II Treasurer.
  3. For all non-show purchases, such as supplies for Hayes House or food for general interest meetings, receipts should be submitted to the Treasurer.
  4. The Treasurer should submit all receipts to the TCU Treasury within 2 weeks.
  5. In no case will a member of the organization bring a receipt directly to the Senate Treasurer.
  6. Any receipts not given to a Producer or the Torn Ticket II Treasurer by the end of the semester shall be considered null and void, and will not be paid.


Section 5. Donations

  1. Any donations given for charity events will not be used to produce a TTII event, but will be submitted by the Treasurer to TCU Treasury within a reasonable time. 


Article IX: Audition Scheduling and Rehearsal Protocol

Section 1. Hours Requirements 

  1. Excluding tech week, performers will not be called to rehearse more than twelve hours per week.
  2. When accepting a role in a Torn Ticket II show, cast members must agree to attend build, paint, or construction hours as determined by the Production Manager. These hours are dependent on the technical needs of each production. This will not exceed eight hours over the course of the production.
  3. Production staff assistants under full build condition must also agree to attend build, paint, or construction hours as determined by the Production Manager. These hours are dependent on the technical needs of each production. This will not exceed eight hours over the course of the production.
  4. Production staff is not required to attend build hours but is strongly encouraged. 


Section 2. Intimacy Coordination

  1. An intimacy coordinator is required for scenes that contain simulated sex, nudity, and/or physical intimacy (including, but not limited to, kissing, seductive touching, etc.). 
  2. The requirement for an intimacy coordinator is at the discretion of the board. The production staff of a show involving intimacy must discuss this requirement with the board. 
  3. Audition or callback material can not include any scenes involving intimacy. Plans for scenes involving intimacy must be disclosed at the time of auditions.
  4. If an intimacy coordinator is required for a production, it must be disclosed at proposals.
  5. If there are scenes containing sexual violence, an intimacy coordinator who is also a trained fight choreographer is required.


Section 3. Fight Choreography

  1. A fight choreographer is required for scenes that contain a punch, kick, fall, throw, or fight/battle sequence.
  2. The requirement for a fight choreographer is at the discretion of the board. The production staff of a show involving stage combat must discuss this requirement with the board. 
  3. Audition or callback material can not include any scenes involving stage combat. Plans for scenes involving stage combat must be disclosed at the time of auditions.
  4. If a fight choreographer is required for a production, it must be disclosed at proposals.


Article X: Torn Ticket II Equipment

  1. All current musical directors and pit conductors are able to use the Torn Ticket II musical equipment for rehearsals and performances. Musical directors of concurrent productions are expected to coordinate equipment use with the other musical directors.
  2. The musical director is responsible for contacting the Tufts Music Department to borrow Music Department stock.
  3. The Operations Coordinator will be the holder of the keys to equipment storage including Hayes House, and has the discretion to release the keys to any members of production staff.
    1. At the start of each show process, the designers will be provided with the Hayes Inventory List. 
    2. The Hayes Access form must be filled out in order to access stock for any reason.
    3. A Sign-Out Sheet will be created by the Operations Coordinator for each production. Items must be listed on this form before they can be removed from stock.
      1. New purchases must be listed on the Sign-Out/Sign-In sheet and they will be added to the Inventory List. 
      2. The Designers/Production Staff on a show is responsible for bringing items back to Hayes and re-stocking in an organized fashion.
    4. Envision and 3Ps will have access to stock. The Production Staff of their shows must follow the same process and contact the Operations Coordinator for a sign-out sheet. 
  4. Anyone given access to equipment is responsible for maintaining the organization of said equipment as well as the care of all objects used, and is also responsible for notifying the Board if objects are broken, stolen, or missing.
  5. The Board is responsible for replenishing equipment if any objects are broken, stolen, or missing, or if any new equipment is needed by the organization.
  6. Use of the Torn Ticket musical equipment outside of Torn Ticket performances, activities, and rehearsals can only occur with the permission of the Board.


Article XII: Amendments

  1. This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.
  2. An amendment must be presented in writing to the voting membership in a general meeting at least one week prior to voting.
  3. All amendments must first be approved by the Torn Ticket II membership prior to TCU Judiciary approval.