Answers to all of your questions in one place.


Get Involved

I want to be on the E-list but I don't know how?

Just email [email protected] and we’ll add you ASAP!

When are membership meetings?

Membership meeting times for the upcoming academic year are Sundays at 12pm. For information about our upcoming meetings, email [email protected] to join the E-list or follow @tornticketii on Instagram. 

How do I know if TTII is right for me?

We strive to build a community of artists and friends who can work and perform together in our student-run organization. We want everyone to love this community! So if you love musical theatre, performing, designing, or just singing along to showtunes in the shower, we would LOVE to meet you! Whether you’ve been stage managing since you were in diapers or you’ve never gone near a stage before in your life, stop by a meeting to meet us!

I want to work on a show but I don't know how?

Just email our current Production Manager at [email protected] to express your interest, and stay tuned for opportunities and upcoming proposals!  You can also reach out to us on Instagram @tornticketii

I'm looking to get more involved in Torn Ticket! How can I do that?

So glad you asked! We have several opportunities each and every semester. The first steps are definitely to get added to the E-list (email [email protected]) and attend a membership meeting.

If you’re more of a performer, stay tuned for audition notices for our mainstage and campus slot shows, as well as our O-show. Even if you’re not a seasoned performer but feel like dip your toe in the water, consider auditioning for OTR, our cabaret!

If you’re more of a techy, we have tons of designer positions, including sound, scenic, props, lights, and more. Consider being an assistant to learn the ropes alongside a head designer as a peer mentor!

You could even talk to the producer of a show and learn more about the business side of things.

I auditioned for a show and didn't get in. Help!

First of all, don’t panic! Chances are, there will be other shows to audition for. Along with the mainstage show, TTII produces a workshop show, which usually holds auditions a little after the mainstage. Torn Ticket II also holds OTR, a cabaret, every semester, so definitely sign up for that! Additionally, there are often other theatre groups with their own productions, workshops, or festivals, not to mention various student theses, and even off-campus opportunities. 

Alternatively, you could always venture out of your comfort zone and try your hand at an assistant position to see if you like being behind the scenes as much as in the spotlight.

And of course, you could always take a semester off and come back to us next semester! We’d love to have you!

How do assistant positions work?

Any P-staff position can also have an assistant, contingent upon qualifications and availability of that particular designer. Assistant positions are designed to facilitate mentor/mentee relationships so that you can gain exposure to a role without having to become department-certified or taking on the full responsibilities. If you’re interested in becoming an assistant, reach out to the Production Manager, [email protected]

I'm interested in proposing a show. How do I do this?

That’s great to hear! We have various proposal dates throughout the year for Aidekman slot and campus slot proposals, which you can find out about via emails on our E-list. Make sure to talk to the board (email [email protected] or any board member) at least two weeks prior to proposals to discuss your vision for the show and hear more about the proposals process. 

I want to be on Board! How do I do that?

We would love to see you run for a board position! We hold elections every spring for the following year’s board.

Board members hold their positions for one year, i.e. two semesters. We have six positions: President, VP/Outreach Director, Production Manager, Treasurer, Secretary, and Media Archivist. For more information about any of these or the election process, reach out to [email protected].


What kinds of shows does Torn Ticket produce?

All kinds of shows! From the modern and risqué Heathers The Musical to the older and more obscure Blood Brothers to the quirky and original The Donner Party Kids, we’ve done it all. Check out our full list of past productions, and join our E-list to stay up to date with the upcoming season!

What's it like working on a TTII show?

It depends on what your position is! We are currently working on restructuring our show process to make the time commitment for manageable for everyone. As of now, depending on the scale of the show, you can expect to spend anywhere from 10 to 15 hours per week in rehearsal. Tech weeks tend to be more.

Designers typically have much more flexible schedules, with a few deadlines, but they can make their own hours.

What's the difference between a Mainstage and workshop show?

Previously known as major and minor shows, they are now more accurately referred to as Mainstage and workshop shows.

The Mainstage show has more rehearsal time and is performed in either Cohen Auditorium or Balch Arena Theater. Workshop shows typically occur later in the semester and can be performed anywhere on campus.

What's the difference between an O-Show and any other show?

O-Shows (short for Orientation Shows), unlike other Torn Ticket productions, follow a very different rehearsal process. Whereas other shows audition the same semester they rehearse and follow extended rehearsal periods, O-Shows audition in the spring, and are performed in the fall, during O-week. Most of the rehearsal process is actually individual: actors enter campus a week before opening night fully off-book, and work for a full week of all-day rehearsals and blocking, before teching in a day and then performing for two nights. It’s a completely unique, fast-paced experience.

What is OTR, anyway?

OTR, short for Over the Rainbow, is Torn Ticket II’s once-per-semester, cabaret-style fundraiser. Tickets are on a sliding scale, and proceeds from each show go to a local non-profit. Anyone can and should attend!

If you’re interested in performing, the process is as follows: you attend a short audition, in which you sing a portion of the song you plan to perform–it should in some way fit the theme of that semester’s show (past themes have included Technical Difficulties and OTR in Paradise). Then you rehearse on your own time, potentially with an accompanist that we’ll provide, attend a tech rehearsal, and then it’s the performance! It’s a really relaxed way to get involved in the community.


How do I know if I can vote?

Someone is considered a voting member if they meet any one of the following requirements:


  1. The student has participated in the theater community production in any capacity (actor, designer, crew, usher, etc.). Eligible organizations include: 3Ps, Torn Ticket II, Envision, and TDPS.
  2. The student has attended a TTII meeting including bi-weekly membership meetings, DEI meetings, workshops, and events.
  3. The student is in their first semester at Tufts University.

Other Opportunities

I have an idea for a TTII opportunity! Who should I talk to?

We would love to hear any and all ideas! Even if we may not be able to support you financially, we would love to provide advice and any resources we can to projects that could provide opportunities for our community members. Reach out to [email protected] with any ideas!

What's the relationship between TTII and the other theatre organizations?

Torn Ticket II is Tufts’ only student-run musical theatre group. We put on musicals every semester.

3Ps (short for Pen, Paint, and Pretzels) is also a student-run group. They produce mostly straight plays, usually a minor and a major each semester.

Envision is a newly established black student theater group as of 2023.

There are also numerous other theatre groups at Tufts University, including improv, comedy, children’s theatre, film, and more.

Not to mention there’s the department itself, which puts on predominantly straight plays, with the occasional musical. 

All the theatre organizations are on excellent terms, and we love seeing students involved in lots of theatre. Just keep in mind that it can be difficult to maintain the commitments of multiple groups, depending on what you’re doing for each.

Logistics and Lingo

What's the difference between R-staff and P-staff?

R-staff, short for rehearsal staff, is a subset of P-staff, which is short for production staff. Rehearsal staff includes the director, the stage manager, the music director, and the choreographer (if applicable), as well as their assistants. Production staff also includes designers, technicians, etc.